PLU releases Full burial programme – Sabasaba Updates

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The Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) has released the burial programme for the deceased media analyst and PLU Central Executive Committee (CEC) member (spokesperson central region), Joseph Tamale Mirundi, who passed on last evening.

According to the released programme, Mirundi will be buried on Sunday 18th August 2024 in Kalisizo, Rakai District.

Tamale Mirundi succumbed to illness at Kisubi hospital where he has been hospitalized for at least a month. A popular political analyst on several media platforms, Tamale will be missed for his bold stance on social political issues and his assertiveness on controversial matters.


Wednesday 14th Aug 2024 – Vigil and Mass at Zzana Residence

Thursday 15th Aug – Requiem Mass at St. Gyaviira Catholic Church Bunnamwaya at 10:00am, then body taken to Zzana Residence for Overnight Vigil

Friday 16th August – Body taken to Kyengera Residence for Mass at 10:00am and Overnight Vigil

Saturday 17th Aug – Body leaves for Kalagala Village in Kaliisizo, Rakai District for Vigil

Sunday 18th Aug – Burial Ceremony starts at 10:00am at Kalagala Village , Kaliisizo in Rakai District

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