‘I don’t want’ – Fella Makafui rejects fan’s prayer about marriage for her

One enthusiastic fan, impressed by Fella’s bridal photoshoot, prayed that she would have the opportunity for a real-life wedding. “I swear, you look great in a wedding gown. You will marry again soon, in Jesus’ name,” the fan wrote. Fella promptly responded, “I don’t want.”

Prior to this, Fella Makafui had also donned a bridal kente for her birthday photoshoot. Since her divorce, the actress has maintained a low profile but has been enjoying life, going on vacation sprees, and living her best life.

Celebrating her birthday weeks ago, Fella reflected on her life’s journey so far, she admits that 2024 has been the year that truly tested her and shook her to the core.

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