Kabaka Mutebi, Bobi Wine share marriage anniversaries


The wedding was a milestone not just for the royal family but also for the Buganda Kingdom, which had just been revived by the government.

This marked the first time in fifty years that a reigning Kabaka married publicly.

Archbishop Livingstone Mpalanyi Nkoyoyo officiated the ceremony, declaring the couple husband and wife amid cheers and celebrations.

Over the years, Nnabagereka Sylvia Nagginda has been an influential figure, actively participating in various charitable and cultural initiatives.

Her work through the Nnabagereka Development Foundation has focused on promoting education, health, and the empowerment of women and children in Uganda.

Her marriage to Kabaka Mutebi has been described as both a partnership and a commitment to advancing the welfare of their people, making their 25th wedding anniversary a significant occasion for the Buganda Kingdom

Meanwhile, another high-profile couple is also marking their anniversary today.

Presided over by the late Kampala Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwaga, the church wedding attracted high-ranking leaders including the Nnabagereka herself. The wedding drew widespread attention and brought Kampala to a standstill as fans and well-wishers celebrated the union.

The two have become one of Uganda’s most admired and influential power couples.

The couple met when Bobi Wine was a student at Makerere University, and Barbie was in secondary school. Over the years, they have not only built a strong family together but also a shared vision for social change, especially since Bobi Wine’s entry into politics as the leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP).

Barbie has often spoken of the unwavering support and love Bobi Wine has shown her, describing their years together as filled with “self-realization, utmost growth, and total bliss.”

Bobi Wine, in turn, has expressed his deep admiration and commitment to Barbie, considering their union a testament to their shared values and enduring partnership. Together, they have four children and continue to inspire many with their dedication to each other and their efforts towards societal improvement in Uganda.

On social media platforms today, many shared congratulatory messages with the two couples praising them for leading exemplary lives.

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