MBALE CITY: One Dies in Hit and Run Motor Accident

1724781741772 e1724841045938

By Weswa Ronnie




A case of fatal accident is being investigated under TAR 39/2024 at Mbale Industrial city division Police Station.


At 8 pm on 27th august 2024, a Bajaj Boxer motorcycle, registration number UFG 154P, was involved in a collision with an unidentified vehicle at Nimco Junction, near Mbale Stadium, along the Mbale-Pallisa Road.


According to Rogers Taitika, Elgon Region Police Spokesperson, the motorcycle was ridden by Nampandu Sadick, a 41-year-old male from Namanyonyi Ward, Northern City Division, Mbale. The rider died on the spot.


Preliminary investigations suggest that the unidentified vehicle was traveling from Mbale City, while the motorcycle was coming from Doko.


Upon reaching Nimco Junction, the vehicle branched to the right and collided with the motorcycle, killing the rider instantly.


The body of the deceased has been taken to Mbale Referral Hospital Mortuary for post-mortem examination. Both vehicles are yet to be recovered.


Police are actively searching for the driver and vehicle involved in the accident. The public, especially those in the Doko area who may have witnessed the incident, are urged to provide information to aid in the arrest of the driver.


The identity of informants will be protected.


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