Minister of Works Inaugurates 8 Member Engineers Registration Board

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By Our Reporter




The Minister for Works and Transport has today, 28th August, 2024 inaugurated Eight Member Engineers Registration Board.


General Wamala Katumba presided over the inauguration of the 20th Board of ERB with Permanent Secretary, Bageya in attendance.


The 20th ERB board that will serve until August, 2026 is chaired by Prof. Henry Arinaitwe.

The Board members are; Eng. Joan Mutibwa Kayanga, Eng. Dr. Harrison E.Mutikanga, Brigadier Gen. Eng. Cyrus Besigye Berekunda, Eng. Tutu Kara Tibaleka, Eng. Patricia Achola Ochan and Eng. Kenneth Magembe.


Meanwhile, the Board’s Administrator referred to as Registrar is Eng. Ronald Namugera


The mandate of ERB is to regulate the practice of engineering in Uganda and advise government on all engineering matters. The Board commenced its operations on 1st December 1969 and recently celebrated its 50th year anniversary.


The Engineers Registration Board (ERB) is established under the Engineers Registration Act (ERA) Cap 271, as a statutory body with a mission to regulate and control engineers and their profession within Uganda.


The function of the Board is to regulate and control engineers and their activities within Uganda, and to advise Government in relation thereto. It has wide ranging powers to register, deregister, restore registration, suspend registration, hold inquiries, hear appeals and appear as respondents against a case brought against it in the High Court.

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