Dr Besigye faction picks new name as FDC cements divorce

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Emotions ran high yesterday as members of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party breakaway faction met at their Katonga base to commence the registration of members ahead of the formation of a new party in six months.

Twelve members including; the former Leader of Opposition Wafula Oguttu, former Rukungiri District Woman MP contestant Ingrid Turinawe Kamateneti, former Kioga MP B’ Leo Ojok, and Albert Charles Okello Oduman yesterday submitted a letter to the Electoral Commission (EC) reserving the name, colours and slogan of their newly established People’s Front for Freedom (PFF) party. Other members were Stanley Tugume Katembeya, Sarah SSengendo Bassima, Susan Nanyonjo, Ronald Samuel Wanda, Kenneth Geoffrey Opoka, Jane Lubega Nakasolya, Proscovia Kunihira, and Ann Marie Mutesi.

“We have preserved the name of the political party, which we believe is going to liberate this country. We know the EC has not done its part but we have already submitted the name of the new political vehicle that can transform this nation and it is the People’s Front for Freedom (PFF),” Mr Opoka, who is the PFF party chairperson, told reporters after submitting their application.

He revealed further: “Our colour is white and royal blue….you know the modern technology when you go in all villages in Uganda, there is a phone and so our symbol will be a phone and our slogan is freedom for all and all for freedom because we have been in captivity for a long time and it’s time to get out of that captivity.”

Ms Turinawe said they plan to roll out a nationwide mobilisation tour and intend to reach out to every part of the country to ensure that ‘we withdraw the old FDC cards and materials and replace them with the one of the new party.’

Relatedly, Mr Wanda said they are waiting for the EC to speed up the process, which will guide them on the next course of action. This development was confirmed by the spokesperson of the EC who said the members submitted all required documents in line with the law.

“The Commission will look at the application, the reservation of the name and determine whether it is okay or it is already reserved by any group,” he said.

The Commission, he noted, will after review receive a letter from the applicants with 50 signatures of the party members from at least two-thirds of all the districts countrywide in line with the Political Parties and Organisations Act, 2005.

“It will review it according to the provisions of the law. And it will get back to them to advise on the next steps. When the next steps have been concluded, the law again says the process for registration of a political party organisation would be completed within six months,” he said.

The entire development comes a few days after the FDC Katonga faction held the National Delegates Conference on August 19, where members unanimously agreed to dissolve the FDC party and transfer its assets and liabilities to the new party that will be formed in line with the party constitution’s 36th article.

Officials from the FDC headquarters led by the party president, Mr Patrick Amuriat Oboi, and the secretary general, Mr Nathan Nandala Mafabi, have since said the Katonga members are ex-FDC members so they cannot dissolve the party.

The breakaway faction, which left in September, is led by its founding president, the Opposition doyen, Col (Rtd) Kizza Besigye, and other luminaries, including the Lord Mayor, Mr Erias Lukwago. The group alleges that the NRM party greased the palms of Mr Amuriat and Mr Nandala as a ploy to infiltrate the FDC and destroy it.

Col Besigye claimed that he received a questionable amount of Shs300m from Mr Nandala, which he later returned, barely after getting a tip from intelligence that the party leadership had accepted bribes from State House meant to be used to destrop the Opposition.

But An FDC elders committee led by former Kagoma MP Frank Nabwiso concluded that there was no incriminating evidence to pin Mr Nandala and Mr Amuriat.

PFF joins a list of many other political parties waiting to be registered.

List of political parties in pipeline

 1. National Foundation Party

2. National Revival Coalition

5. National Agrarian Party

6. National Economic and Redemption Party (NERP)

7. Uganda Prosperity Party (UPP)

8. People’s Front for Freedom (PFF) party

Source Electoral Commission

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