Anselm starts Columbia University PhD studies



The announcement sparked a wave of well-wishes for Anselm.

Among the messages of support was one from Balaam Barugahara, Uganda’s Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs, who said, “Wishing you a blessed journey, @akbesigye, as you embark on your PhD adventure at one of the best universities in the world (Columbia University) in NYC! May your academic pursuits be fruitful, and your time in the city be enriching. Godspeed, young scholar! Make our country proud! Your success is for our country Uganda.”

Anselm was also offered scholarships by prestigious institutions like the University of Oxford and the University of Chicago, showcasing his academic excellence.

Columbia University, founded in 1754 and part of the Ivy League, is renowned for its rich history and esteemed reputation in higher education. Anselm’s acceptance marks a significant achievement, as he continues to follow in the footsteps of his accomplished parents.

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