Miracles confirms journalists were paid for Bawumia Meet the Press, reveals amount

This follows a detailed report by Fact Check Ghana indicating that some journalists were indeed paid for their attendance; however, the amount was between GH₵2,000 and GH₵10,000.

“I haven’t given any GH₵20,000 or GH₵10,000 to any media house. The highest amount of money any media person received was between GH₵2,000 and GH₵5,000. They are all not the same, some were even bloggers,” he told the website.

Mr Aboagye further explained that journalists invited from outside Accra were provided more money to cover their accommodation and transportation.

“Take someone who came from Kumasi or Tamale, for instance. If you give them GH₵5,000 or GH₵7,000 then you [must] add their accommodation and transport to ensure you have covered them,” he added.

Contrary to Mr Aboagye’s claims, some journalists, speaking on condition of anonymity, said they received GH₵10,000.

“Some of the journalists who were contacted from outside Accra said they received GH₵10,000, and that was not to cater for their transport or accommodation. Indeed, some journalists based in Accra who were neither accommodated nor flown to Accra also confirmed receiving GH₵10,000,” the publication said.

A journalist corroborated the report, saying, “I received GH₵10,000, not GH₵20,000. They also paid for my flight and accommodation for one night.”

The Bawumia Campaign’s Director of Communication told Fact-Check Ghana that the #BawumiaHostsTheMedia event invited 220 journalists.

However, none of the well-known journalists with bloggers, such as Berla Mundi, Paul Adom Otchere, Samson Lardy Anyenini, Evans Mensah, Okatakyie Afrifa, Nana Yaa Brefo, Umaru Sanda Eugene Nkansah and Kwadwo Sheldon have publicly spoken on these new claims yet.

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