JUST IN! Katonga Based FDC Registers New Political Party

Ibrahim Semujju sharing ideas with Erias Lukwago at the Katonga FDC Delegates Conference e1724149684

By Our Reporter




The Katonga based former FDC faction has today, 27th August, 2024 submitted to the Electoral Commission its new Political Party name and symbols.


Led by Ingrid Turinawe, the FDC break-away members presented People’s Front for Freedom (PFF) as its name with a phone as the Party’s symbol.


Departing from the FDC Slogan of ‘One People, One Uganda,’ the PFF says their rallying slogan is ‘Freedom for All and All for Freedom.’

The new party, with 12 promoters, has selected royal blue and white as its colours.


This follows alleged dissolvement of the FDC Party in a letter written by Ambassador Birigwa on 26th August, 2024.

Speaking after handing over the application to the Electoral Commission, one of the PFF promoters told the media that they now await the EC to do their part before they embark on a nationwide collection of the required signatures for the formalization of the Party.

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