Nana Addo cuts sod for expansion of deplorable 19-kilometre Tema motorway


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has officially broken ground for the much-anticipated reconstruction and expansion of the 19-kilometre Tema Motorway.

The Tema Motorway, a critical route connecting Accra to Tema, one of Ghana’s major industrial hubs, has long been in dire need of upgrades.

The Tema Motorway, inaugurated in 1965, was designed to facilitate the movement of goods and people between Accra, and the bustling industrial hub of Tema.

This motorway is crucial for the economy, supporting local businesses and international trade.

Over the years, however, the road has suffered neglect, resulting in numerous potholes, poor drainage, and frequent accidents.

The expansion project is expected to address these challenges by widening the road from the current two to ten lanes, with three lanes in each direction.

In his address during the sod-cutting ceremony, Nana Addo emphasised the importance of the project for the country’s development.

The project when completed is expected to significantly enhance road safety and reduce the travel time between Accra and Tema, which has become a major concern for commuters.

The Greater Accra Regional Minister, Daniel Nii Kwartei Titus Glover, appealed to the contractors to involve the youth from the surrounding communities in the project.

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