DEATH WILL? Ailing Entebbe Tycoon, Benson Giita Introduces Side-Dishes, Children to Wife

Tycoon Giita unveils the children he sired outside his wedlock e1724672077379


Tycoon Benson Gitta hands over birth day gift to his official wife Betty Gitta recently
Tycoon Benson Gitta hands over birth day gift to his official wife Betty Gitta recently

The president of rally fans in Uganda as well as a prosperous businessman in Entebbe, Benson Giita , on Saturday 24-08-2024, shocked locals after he called his side dishes plus their children and unveiled them to his official wife Betty Gitta whom he wedded 15 years ago.


The tycoon who is the proprietor of Giita Benz beach in Nalugala zone as well as the Chief Executive officer of Giita Benz car bridals introduced his side dishes one by one plus their children to his official wife.


The tycoon revealed that he has so far sired 13 children from his side dishes and that as he nears death it was necessary to make them known to his official wife and elder children.

Benson Giita unveiling one of his wives
Benson Giita unveiling one of his wives

Giita noted that ever since he developed diabetes and high blood pressure, his health has drastically deteriorated, and that anytime from now people should not be taken by surprise when they hear that he has died abruptly.


He said the ailments especially diabetes has crippled his manpower and that he can nolonger sustain his other wives in bed as he was before. He has advised his side dishes to seek bed services elsewhere saying he can no longer perfect bed matters due to chronic illnesses he suffers from.


He however advises his side dishes to get married to rich men who can look after them very well.


Tycoon Giita announced that when he dies, his posh ride Tundura should be sold to one of the rally drivers or fans and that money got should be shared amongst his multiple wives.


It should be noted that a few years ago, the tycoon almost separated with his official wife after he suspected her of having extra marital sex with a certain man. The couple later settled the issue after his official wife convinced him that the gentleman was just a mere friend.


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