We won’t allow protests ahead of regional parliament sittings, police say

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Security agencies in Gulu have arrested several people in connection with planned demonstrations against the regional parliamentary sittings that start in the city on Tuesday.

On Monday, Aswa West Regional Police spokesman David Ongom Mudong confirmed the arrests.

“As we talk right now, there are already people who have been picked as suspects based on the content of misleading information they are sending to the members of the public; their files are being prepared and will be submitted to DPP for legal guidance,” Mr Ongom said.

Although Mr Ongom declined to disclose their details since the crackdown was still progressing, Monitor had confirmed the detention of opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) party mobilizer Mr Brian Mungu Jakisa and NUP interim regional coordinator Sebastian Ogoni, among others.

According to Mr Ongom, disruptive operations targeting groups of persons planning criminal activities are being done.

Mr Ongom held that “security is aware of the planned demonstration being done through social media mass mobilization intended to disrupt the forthcoming sitting.”

During the Monday press briefing, Mr Ongom also cautioned a section of Acholi politicians against spreading misleading messages to the public against the sitting and “planning to import violence” from other regions into the city.

“We have also sent a signal to some groups of politicians, and security has information that there are sections of persons who want to import violence from outside the regions. We have keen eyes on the persons coming from Kampala, Jinja, Mbarara, and Mbale areas, among others,” he noted.

Whereas both police’s foot and motorized patrol have been enhanced, this publication has established that police have also rectified all defunct CCTV surveillance cameras across the city ahead of the sitting.

Meanwhile, Maj Peter Mugisa, the UPDF 4th Division spokesman, said that a joint security taskforce has been established to coordinate operations aimed at securing the sitting.

“We started patrols three days ago, and we are continuing. We are advising whoever has grievances against this sitting to go through the right channels; otherwise, we are not going to entertain any violence or any demonstration.” Maj Mugisa said.

The regional sitting opens on Tuesday with a cocktail of field activities, including a visit to the burial site of former Parliament Speaker Jacob Oulanyah in Omoro District. Current Speaker Anita Among is expected to lead proceedings.  

Other activities on the same day will include the official opening of a medical camp at Pece PS in Gulu City, ground-breaking and foundation stone laying for the construction of a wall fence around Kaunda Grounds, and separate meetings with bodaboda association market women groups.

Between Wednesday and Friday, there will be plenary with President Museveni to address the House on August 29.

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