Wode Maya urges action as jobless nurses flee to UK: ‘We completed 4 years ago’


Renowned Ghanaian vlogger, Kobena Ackom, better known as Wode Maya, has urged the government to address the escalating issue of unemployment among graduate nurses and midwives in the country.

The group, consisting of both male and female nurses, was en route to the United Kingdom in search of better employment opportunities. During their conversation, the nurses revealed that, despite completing their nursing training four years ago, they have yet to be posted to any healthcare facility, leaving them in a precarious financial situation.

“We have not been posted since we completed school four years ago,” one of the nurses lamented, highlighting the challenges they have faced due to prolonged unemployment.

Deeply concerned by their plight, Wode Maya expressed his alarm over the ongoing exodus of skilled professionals from the country, commonly referred to as “brain drain.” He called on the government to take immediate action, stating, “This is brain drain. I think the government has to do something about this.”

The increasing migration of healthcare professionals poses a significant challenge to Ghana’s healthcare system, prompting growing calls for the government to implement measures to retain skilled workers. As this trend continues, the future of Ghana’s healthcare workforce remains uncertain.

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