PYP Leaders Urge President Museveni To Intervene In Feud Between His Sons Gen Muhoozi And Odrek Rwabwogo

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A group of Ugandan youth under the Progressive Youth Platform (PYP) have written an open letter to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, urging him to intervene in the escalating conflict between his son, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba, and his brother-in-law, Odrek Rwabwogo.

In the letter, Jothan Yamu Burobuto, Team Leader of PYP, expressed concern over the potential danger the conflict poses to the country’s peace and stability.

“Mr President we come to you on the matter below because there is no where else we can address it, you being our President,and the father of our dear big brothers Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba and Mr Odrek Rwabogo,are the best and perhaps the only suited person to address it.” Burobuto wrote.

“Your Excellency, overtime we have seen what we thought a small disagreement on principle between the aforementioned gentlemen develop into a potentially septic all blown out conflict. The most recent evidence of the status of this conflict being their lattest sharp exchanges on/in social media directly at each other or otherwise through proxies.”

“We come to you out of fear and anxiety about this conflict because of the danger it could portend for the peace and stability of our country, but more urgently for our body politic,” Burobuto wrote.

The group fears that if left unchecked, the feud could lead to violence and destabilize the nation.

“We wonder, if the two realise that the words they are throwing at each other cannot and will not quench whatever they hold towards and/or against each other, what other offensive tools will they ‘shoot’ at each other and those posturing on the different sides of the conflict?” the letter reads.

Gen Muhoozi, a General and Commander of the UPDF, and Odrek Rwabwogo, head of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Export and Industrial Development, have been engaged in a public war of words on social media and through proxies. The conflict is believed to have started as a disagreement on principle but has since escalated into a full-blown feud.

The youth group appealed to President Museveni to use his authority and wisdom to prevail over the situation, citing his role as a father and leader of the nation.

“You are grappling with a failing service delivery system and high levels of corruption in your government, but this may not be your undoing, perhaps not even the endeavours of the ‘United forces of change’, but this your sons’ conflict will not only be your undoing but could also destroy the country,” the letter states.

The group emphasized that the conflict has the potential to undermine the progress made under President Museveni’s leadership and destabilize the country.

“Once these our big brothers cross the red line any further to a point where they are left with only one option but to give a “greenlight” to their pretended supporters to release the “bullets” on each other ,not even you, Mr President will be able to save our dear motherland Uganda. It will be the straw that breaks the foundation of the Peace and Stability you and your fellow Jjajas ushered into the country and you have generally successfully sustained for almost 40years now.” the letter warns.

The youth group’s letter serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing internal conflicts within the first family to maintain national stability. “Mr President, kindly prevail over this scenario before it’s too late for you, for us as Ugandans, and for our dear Motherland Uganda,” the letter concludes.

This development comes at a time when President Museveni is grappling with challenges such as a failing service delivery system and high levels of corruption in his government. The situation is being closely monitored, and Ugandans await President Museveni’s response to the youth group’s plea.

The Progressive Youth Platform’s letter has sparked a national conversation about the potential consequences of the conflict between Gen Muhoozi and Odrek Rwabwogo. Many Ugandans have taken to social media to express their concerns and call for President Museveni’s intervention.As the situation continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the youth of Uganda are eager for a resolution to the conflict and are looking to their leader, President Museveni, to provide guidance and stability during these uncertain times.

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