School kids on tour survive nasty road crash along Entebbe Road, 6 hospitalized – Sabasaba Updates

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Six (6) school pupils of Trust Infant Primary School are in hospital after the bus they were traveling in overturned, in a serious road crash at Nkumba, along Entebbe Road.

According to the PRO Traffic, SP Michael Kananura, the bus carrying pupils of Trust Infant Primary School in Nakaseke on a tour to Entebbe Zoo, failed to brake and collided with a pickup the causing the bus to overturn and in the process injuring pupils.

The crash happened as the bus Isuzu registration number UBA 839S approached the Nkumba traffic lights from Kampala side and collided with a Toyota Double Cabin UG 240C from behind.

In a statement, Kananura said the incident happened today morning at around 10:30 and victims were rushed to Sub Medical Centre Nkumba for medical attention.

He however noted that police is hunting for the driver of the bus who disappeared following the incident.

Both vehicles have been towed to Nkumba Police Station for further investigation -according to the statement.

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