CDF Gen. Kainerugaba Meets delegation from Russian Defense Minister – Sabasaba Updates

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The Chief of Defense Forces (CDF) Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba on Saturday met with a high-level Russian military delegation at the Special Forces Command (SFC) headquarters in Entebbe.

The delegation, sent by the Russian Minister of Defence, aimed to explore ways to enhance relations between the Russian Armed Forces and the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF).

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The meeting, also attended by Lt Gen James Mugira, Managing Director of the National Enterprise Corporation (NEC), UPDF’s business arm, focused on strengthening cooperation in defense and security.

This follows Gen Kainerugaba’s recent visit to Moscow, where he led a military delegation, according to a recent post on his X account.

The CDF has also held several meetings with top military officials from Russia in recent times.

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