2 people Confirmed dead in a nasty road crash along Entebbe Highway – Sabasaba Updates

Two people have been confirmed dead in a nasty road crash which occurred today at Kitubulu, along Entebbe Highway.

According to police, the crash involved UBK 114K (Toyota Wish) and UFB 988K (Bajaj Boxer motorcycle).

In a statement released by the Traffic spokesperson, SP Michael Kananura, the driver of the Toyota Wish traveling from Entebbe collided with the motorcycle which was making a U-turn on the same route causing the vehicle to roll several times. The resultant impact claimed the lives of both the rider (Mberobata) & the passenger (Mugaga Vian) an employee of Capital Pub -according to the statement.


The driver of the Toyota Wish is currently on the run as police investigations are underway to ascertain details related to this incident.

SP Kananura noted that the bodies of the two victims have been conveyed to Mulago city mortuary while the vehicles have been towed to Entebbe Police Station.

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