Metro Mass Transit set to construct charging ports for electric buses – Bawumia


Vice President and flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, has clarified one of his plans to reduce the cost of living for Ghanaians.

Responding to questions during his media engagement on Sunday, August 25, 2024, regarding how the fleet of electric vehicles would be operationalised, given that there are currently only five electric vehicle charging ports in the country, Dr. Bawumia revealed that the government is in discussions with Metro Mass Transit, one of the state-owned transport enterprises, to build charging ports for the first one hundred electric vehicles that will arrive in December 2024.

The Vice President further revealed that if he is elected as the next president, his government would begin transitioning Ghana’s energy sector to green energy. He stated that his administration would invest in solar energy and ensure that government institutions and schools migrate to solar energy.

According to Dr. Bawumia, Mahama’s poor performance during his tenure led to the loss of lives due to the electricity crisis under his government.

“We all don’t have short memories. Mahama left an abysmal record. We endured dumsor, people died because of dumsor. The National Ambulance Service was almost defunct, and unemployment was high,” he recalled.

Bawumia further pointed out that his party has fulfilled eighty-three percent and eighty percent of their promises in their 2016 and 2020 manifestos.

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