Yet we must be careful lest we turn from Truth – The Kampala Report



Readings: Josh 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b. Eph 5: 21-32. Jn 6:60-69

Generally, leadership requires consistent directed movement towards a certain end. Sometimes, however, it requires very radical decisions- decisions to change direction, to move from one to Another, to disregard personal feelings for Truth, etc. This applies, not only to leading masses, but also to personal leadership and stewardship. It applies to one’s own life. And the leader must be willing to be called radical (with the attendant treatment).

In leading self and others, there’s need for continuous evaluation of our positions in relation to where we’re going. When we realise we’re headed in the wrong direction, then we need to change direction no matter how painful it may be. Yet we must be careful lest we turn from Truth and Life to political correctness and the bliss of ignorance. Especially, we have to watch out that we don’t choose our former path of least resistance.

May Jesus Christ, the Source of Life, grant us the grace to make life-ward choices.

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