Budaka police boss suspended over alleged incompetence

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Mr David Rwegaba, the Officer-In-Charge of Kamonkoli Police Station in Budaka District, has been suspended due to allegations of incompetence.

This decision was confirmed by Bukedi North regional Police Spokesperson, Mr Samuel Semeo, on Saturday.

Trouble began for Mr Rwegaba after residents of Mugiti Sub-county locked the police station, accusing officers of “duty negligence” following a night attack that resulted in the stabbing death of a local, Yowabu Sebakaki, 52.

“The community invaded Kamonkoli police station, accusing the OC of negligence of his duty,” Mr. Semeo explained.

Mr Semeo assured that an active investigation into Sebakaki’s murder has been launched, with the case registered as CRB 88/2024. The police spokesperson stated, “This is a result of a murder report made by Ms Edisa Nambaluka, 40, the wife of the deceased.”

The body was conveyed to Mbale City mortuary for postmortem examination. Mr Rwegaba has been transferred to Bukedi North Regional Headquarters for further management.

“We take allegations of negligence seriously and will investigate this matter thoroughly,” Mr. Semeo added.

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