NDC unveils ‘Black Star experience’ to transform Ghana’s creative arts sector

“This will include the celebration of the following: The Pan African Month, Celebrating Heritage, History and Diaspora Engagement. The Ghana Film Festival and Awards Month. Ghana Music World. Culinary Month. Architecture, Design, Arts and Crafts. Fashion and Textiles Month. Literacy/Literary Month,” the manifesto read.

These initiatives include providing support for young digital content creators, a revival of the Creative Arts Fund, a partnership with the private sector, and more.

“We will also support young digital content creators in developing content that promotes Ghanaian culture, revive the Creative Arts Fund to provide sustainable financial support for start-ups and the ailing large, medium, and small creative enterprises,” the NDC said.

“Review and strictly enforce broadcasting, digital media, and local content provisions to stimulate local artistic productions. Facilitate, enforce, and enhance the collection and management system for copyrights and royalties in Ghana. Partner with the private sector to build an ultra-modern recreation village with auditoriums for films, musical concerts, and other special events,” the statement added.

In all, the NDC in its manifesto promised to use these “clear, actionable, and concise solutions” to revitalise the creative arts and tourism industry and create a vibrant cultural landscape that attracts tourists and supports local artists.

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