MBALE CITY: PDM SACCO Chairperson Fired Over Corruption

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By Weswa Ronnie





The Parish Development Model (PDM) SACCO Chairperson of Nabuyonga Ward in Northern City Division in Mbale City has been dismissed from the seat over corruption allegations.


The Chairperson, who was sacked on Friday, 23rd August, 2024 is Charles Mwigo in a meeting chaired by the Mbale City RCC, Asumin Nasike.


Mwigo who had just returned from prison was dismissed by authorities after allegations of inconsistencies in managing PDM beneficiaries and soliciting money from the beneficiaries.


In a meeting chaired by Mbale City RCC Nasike Asumin and Northern Division RCC Yahaya Were at Northern City Division offices, Namubiru Halima, the PDM Focal person for Mbale City revealed that Mwigo defied the Presidential directive of making the program completely free.


It was further discovered the accused is a teacher at Yoweri Museveni Primary School, a civil servant who is illegally running a PDM SACCO which is against the PDM guidelines.


It’s upon this background that the RCC Nasike Asumin and her deputy in charge Northern Division, Were Yahaya ordered the resignation of Mr. Mwigo and ordered him to return the one million shillings he benefited under the Parish Development Model.


In further intervention, the office of the RCC halted all payments pending investigations and verification of the list of beneficiaries.


The SACCO Members accused their leadership of being segregative in selecting beneficiaries. They say their committees select well-off members instead of the poor.


However, Mwigo dismissed the allegations saying the beneficiaries formed enterprise groups that mainly consisted of their family members and yet there should be balance in beneficiary selection.


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