Nina Roz talks friendship with Bobi Wine

Without flinching, she mentioned the Ghetto President and opposition leader, terming him as her number-one friend.

While some people might think she “pins herself” on the NUP leader, Roz said their friendship was a fact that only time can confirm.

Some of the things about us I don’t have to say it here, but time will tell,” she said.

If I was pinning myself on him, I would have asked for a collaboration…but I went for Kabakko.

The other two artists that she considers friends, she said, are Kabakko who real name is Yusuf Ssenabulya, and Lydia Jazmine.

In general, Roz said most most musicians in Uganda fake friendships to appeal to their fans

As musicians we fake friendships to try and show the world that we care but in real life we don’t really like each other,” she said.

If you find us backstage, you might think we call each other every morning, we know everything about each other and we are there for each other

The truth is that we do this publicly to impress people not its not for us,” she said.

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