KATAKWI: Adulterous Wife Now Homeless After Rejection by Both Families

Amuron and Okello smilling for new marriage 1 scaled e1724406043352

By Our Reporter




An adulterous woman in Omodo village, Okokoma parish, Akoboi Sub County, in Katakwi district has found herself homeless after she was rejected by the family of her now ex-husband and her own parents .


It all started when Barbara Amuron, 28 years old and married in Omodo village, was caught with George Okello of Oalei, Aliakamer, Katakwi sub county on Wednesday night, 21st August, 2024 by Peter Oluk, brother to her husband while delivering a phone call from his brother Oceger, who wanted to connect with Amuron about her mother’s condition.


After the incident, heads of Ocheger’s clan got furious when the adulterous wife to their son was unrepentant instead saying she is a young woman with feelings and yet her husband is far away from her.


The following day, Thursday, a clan meeting was held where a decision was taken to hand Amuron and new found lover to her parents in Kaimoru hamlet, Abela parish, Getom Sub County.

According to John Michael Oceger, clan chairperson of Igoriai-Ikarikaloto, the clan chose to hand Barbara up to her parents in order to avert killings and rising GBV violence when their son returns.


However, when they were handed over to the in-laws, the In-laws in turn chased them away reasoning that it harmed their reputation. Amuron’s whereabouts are now unknown meanwhile, the lover went back to their home.

Paula Imaling, the area LC1 verified the occurrence, calling it a deplorable trend for women to elope in marital households.

According to John Michael Oceger, clan chairperson of Igoriai-Ikarikaloto, the clan chose to hand Barbara up to her parents in order to avert killings and rising GBV violence when their son returns.

George Okello claims he was unaware Amuron was married to another man.

When approached by the clan head, Oceger Godfrey, Barbara’s husband who works in Moroto, commanded the clan to hand his wife to her parents.

Meanwhile, a section of clan women, including Josephine Adeke, Rose Akiteng, and Jane Kongai, voiced disappointment and urged other women to persevere with and submit to their martial partners.

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