List of 10 Highways with Expired Shelf Life Under Rehabilitation

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By Our Reporter



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UNRA ED, Allen Kagina launching the Tororo – Kamdini Highway rehabilitation in 2019

Uganda National Roads Authority has named ten (10) Highways whose useful life/shelf life have expired and are currently under rehabilitation.


In a brief statement issued on his X Handle today, Friday, 23rd August, 2024, UNRA’s Spokesperson Allan Ssempebwa says currently, more than 10 highways nationwide are undergoing rehabilitation, covering nearly 1,000Kms.


He names these Highways as Tororo—Mbale—Soroti Highway which forms the first segment of Uganda’s first longest road project [340Km] covering 150.8Kms.


The Second Highway is Soroti-Lira-Kamdini road covering 189.4Kms.


According to UNRA, the rehabilitation of the Tororo-Kamdini Highway that was launched in 2019 is to guarantee a shelf life of 20 years.


Others are; Alwi-Nebbi, Olwiyo-Pakwach, Busunju-Kiboga-Hoima and Karuma-Olwiyo. Works at Olwiyo in Pakwach are currently at gravel level.



According to Ssempebwa, the other Highways are Matugga-Semuto-Kapeeka, Masaka-Kyotera-Mutukula, Mityana-Mubende and Jinja-Kampala Highway.


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