Charles Taylor says Kudus would be the face of Real Madrid if he joins them


Ghana Premier League legend Charles Assampong Taylor believes Mohammed Kudus would easily be the face of Real Madrid were he to join the La Liga outfit.

“Kudus is a better footballer than Vinicius Jr. If Kudus were to be at Real Madrid, he’d have been the main man in the team,” Taylor said on Angel TV.

“The quality that Kudus displays, Vinicius doesn’t match up but it’s because we don’t believe in our own players and the lack of quality pitches here.”

In his debut season with the Hammers, the Ghana international contributed 14 goals and six assists in all competitions.

He also set the record for the most successful dribbles in a single Premier League game when West Ham faced Chelsea and ended the campaign as the best dribbler in Europe.

Meanwhile, Kudus has said he doesn’t intend to change his entertaining style of play despite criticisms that he holds on to the ball for too long.

“Personally my style of play will always stay the same. I’ll need to blend in and do what the coach wants, give the team the results they want but I’m still going to be me and the stuff you see me doing is still going to be the same just under a different coach,” Kudus said, as quoted by 3Sports.

“It’s definitely very difficult to get used to every system every single time. Even playing with the club team and national team different coaches as well.

“As part of our job, being versatile to be able to adapt to different kinds of coaches is a main key that we have to be always up for, so whichever coach that comes.”

Kudus was named as the Footballer of the Year for the second successive time at the 2024 Ghana Football Awards.

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