JUST IN: 50 Pupils Kiss Death in Bus Accident at Nkumba University Traffic Lights

A breakdown towing away the damaged vehicles

By Sadique Bamwita



Some of the pupils who kissed death
Some of the pupils who kissed death

The ghosts at Nkumba Traffic lights are not sleeping after a total of fifty pupils and nine teachers kissed death when a bus in which they were traveling in rammed into a state house double cabin car before overturning at the Traffic lights.


The incident occurred today, Friday, 23rd August 2024 at around 11am at the same spot where a Lawyer as well as a Law don at Uganda Christian University, Okoit died from after a concrete mixer truck fell on top of his new car. This very spot has now been termed as black spot due to several accidents that occur there.


The deadly accident involved an Isuzu bus registration number UBA 839B which hit  a state house Mitsubishi double cabin registration number UG 240C on it’s sides removing it’s front bumper before sliding on left side where it hit the cab pavement and eventually overturned.


The innocent children who are pupils of Trust Infant primary school in Nakaseke district, were seen crying as they scrambled to save their dear lives.


However, locals at the scene of the accident mobilized themselves and rescued the innocent injured children from the bus. It’s reported the children together with their teachers were destined for a tour at Entebbe International Airport and later would proceed to other tourism sites in Entebbe Municipality.


Later a breakdown arrived at the scene of accident and lifted both the damaged vehicles back to their wheels before towing them away to Entebbe police station.


A cop at the scene of accident attributed the accident to reckless bus driver who fled the scene saying he could have misinterpreted the traffic lights at Nkumba University by focusing on those ahead instead of the first one on his lane.


“It’s very easy for such a reckless driver who is not used to Entebbe road to concentrate on the lights ahead instead of the first ones on his lane. So, by the time he realizes when other vehicles have already stopped and eventually rams into those In front of him or her, ” a traffic cop at the scene noted.


Mrs. Efrance Nakiranda, one of the teachers who injured her breasts thanked God that children never got serious injuries as it was on the side of the teachers on which the bus fell.


Another injured teacher who was on the bus, Abdu Sima said the injured children fell on teachers’ side and were given first aid treatment while shocked children were counseled in addition to soothing them as tears kept on rolling down on their cheeks.

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