Naa Okailey: Ex-wife of Kwaku Manu reacts to wedding with new man in loved-up video

Photos from Naa Okailey’s wedding ceremony recently went viral, sparking mixed reactions across social media. While some congratulated her on starting a new chapter, others criticised her for seemingly moving on too quickly after her divorce from Kwaku Manu. Heated debates erupted in the comment sections of her wedding posts, highlighting the divided opinions among netizens.

Some social media users even took the opportunity to comment on Kwaku Manu’s recent post, which featured a picture of him with his children, using it as a platform to provoke his ex-wife.

“I’ve seen a lot of people fighting for me on social media. I know you guys love me, and I know everything that is going on. I just want to say thank you, but don’t stress yourselves. You’re gonna be fighting and fighting, but nothing will happen. Nothing will change,” she said.

Kwaku Manu has not directly commented on the matter. Naa Okailey Nyarko and Kwaku Manu divorced over three years ago, with Manu publicly confirming their separation in a 2022 interview with Hello Frank.

Naa Okailey’s remarriage, this time to a white man, has been a topic of much online discussion. However, she remains unfazed, focusing on her new journey and encouraging others to do the same. Hear what she has to say in the video below.

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