MBALE CITY: Aviation Fuel Dealer Supplying Street Kids Arrested

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By Weswa Ronnie




A man dealing and supplying Aviation Fuel notoriously being used by Street Kids and Drug Addicts in Mbale City has been arrested.


The suspect whose names have been withheld for obvious reasons was on Wednesday, 21st August arrested in a police operation and was found with 20 liters of the Aviation Fuel. (Identity was later revealed as Sam Wakwale)-ED.


According to Kenneth Bakashaba, the Mbale City Police Commander, they impounded this fuel during a crackdown in town.


He says that sniffing aviation fuel in the city is becoming common especially among street kids and men which is influencing them to commit crimes like theft, rape and defilement.


The DPC says that when they interrogated the suspected dealer, he confessed that they get this fuel from Mityana in the central region on black market.


Asumin Nasike, the Mbale Resident City Commissioner urged parents to take responsibility of their children and not let them go on the streets in town since all children are from Bugisu region.


By press time the suspect and exhibit was still at Mbale Central Police Station.


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