Over 280 policemen sacked for not growing beards

Police Uniform

The Ministry of Morality in the Taliban Government has dismissed over 280 policemen for not growing long beards in line with the Islamic faith and sharia and detained more than 13,000 people in Afghanistan for “immoral acts” in the past year, BBC News reports.

The move to terminate the services of the policemen according to the UK-based agency was announced by the Ministry in a statement released on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

Majority of Muslims in the Middle-east if not all are enjoined by Islamic teachings, Hadith and suna to ensure that they grow beards beyond certain inches.   

The founder of the Islamic faith prophet Muhammad (PBUH)guided all his followers to follow every aspect which he practiced while on earth including worshipping Allah but also developing long beards to create a unique identity.

Most individuals even in Uganda who profess Islam don’t maintain long beards or suuna as it is called in Islam, some of them think long beards either look quite antiquated or unsuitable for hygiene reasons according to Hakim Watenyeri who has never groomed a beard as dictated by Islamic faith.

Many Ugandan Muslims whom we may not put on record for legal reasons have defiled the idea of having long beards as dictated by Islamic teachings and this may have severe ramifications in the afterlife including punishment for disobedience.

DailyExpress recently reported that over 90% of Ugandan Muslims found difficulties in communicating in Arabic the main language of Arabs. Hajji Mansa Musa, an aspirant for the mayorship of Mbale city had it rough on Hijja as he could not even manage how to pronounce chicken in Arabic as he tried to attend to his appetite while In the Orient when he was hungry and yet he was a loaded man by all standards.

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