Police probe murder of 52-year-old man after brutal attack

SP Semewo Samuel

Budaka, (UG):- Police in eastern Uganda’s Budaka District are actively investigating the murder of 52-year-old Sebakaki Yowabu, a resident of Nyanza North zone, Nyanza Parish, Mugiti sub-county.

The case recorded under CRB 88/2024, according to the acting Public Relations Officer (PRO) for Bukedi North, SP Semewo Samuel, was initiated after a report filed by Yowabu’s wife, a 40-year-old Nambaluka Edisa.

Preliminary investigations indicate that on the fateful day, Yowabu returned home around 11 PM after spending time at a local drinking establishment.

Upon arriving at his compound, he called for his wife, who opened the door only to find him bleeding profusely from a head injury which he said he had sustained from an attack on his way home from unknown assailants.

“Despite his injuries, Yowabu chose to report the incident to the Kamonkoli police station,” SP Semewo stated, adding that upon his arrival, officers recommended that he seek immediate medical assistance due to the severity of his wounds.

Tragically, Yowabu was later discovered dead near Uganda Clays Company, not far from his home.

The regional police spokesperson further revealed that the community reacted with anger to the news of Yowabu’s death, expressing concerns over perceived negligence by law enforcement.

“Several local residents gathered at the Kamonkoli police station to voice their frustrations, leading to the transfer of the Officer in Charge (OC) to the regional headquarters for further management.”

Mr Semewo added that law enforcement swiftly responded to the crime scene, where they recovered Yowabu’s body and transported it to Mbale City mortuary for a postmortem examination.

“Investigators are currently gathering more details and statements from witnesses as part of their inquiries,” he emphasized, stressing that updates will follow as the investigation continues.

“The local community remains on edge as police work to uncover the circumstances surrounding this shocking incident.”

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