BUDAKA: OC Kamonkoli Police Station in Hot Soup over Death of Resident

Crime scene

By Weswa Ronnie




The Officer In Charge Kamonkoli Police Station is in trouble for allegedly mishandling a case involving a resident who had been attacked by unknown assailants and eventually died.


The officer’s troubles started when a one Yowabu Sebakaki, 52 years, a resident of Nyanza North zone, Nyanza Parish, Mugiti Sub County in Budaka district was beaten on the night of Monday, 19th August, 2024.


Sebakaki according to Samuel Semewo, the Bukedi North region police spokesperson, came back home from his drinking place at night but when he reached his compound, he called his wife, Elisa Nambaluka who opened the door only to see him bleeding heavily from his forehead.


Semewo says the wife asked her husband what happened and he informed her that he had been attacked by unknown people on his way back home.


Semewo adds that his wife reported the matter at the nearby Kamonkoli police station but the OC asked Sebakaki to go to the nearby health center to get treatment before coming back to report the case.


While on his way to the health center, he collapsed and died due to over bleeding.


He says that police got information and rushed to the scene of crime, conveyed the body to Mbale City mortuary for a postmortem examination as well as recording relevant statements.


On Tuesday, 20th August, 2024, angry residents who accuse the OC of mismanaging the case, armed with sticks, stones, and bricks attacked Kamonkoli police station.


Semewo says since the community was enraged, the RPC transferred OC Kamonkoli to Regional Head quarters for further management.


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