Phiona Nyamutoro biography: education background, family, husband, career


Born and raised in Nebbi District, Nyamutoro’s academic journey is as impressive as her political career. She earned a first-class degree in Arts, specialising in Luganda and Sociology, followed by a master’s degree in Public Administration, both from Makerere University, one of Africa’s most prestigious institutions.

Her early education saw her attend Najjera Progressives for primary school, Misanvu Secondary School in Kibinge Bukomansimbi for O’level, and Maleku Secondary School for A’level. Her leadership potential was evident early on, as she served as Vice Guild President at Makerere University from 2015 to 2016.

Nyamutoro’s political roots run deep; she was a member of the National Youth Council, representing Nebbi District, and made history as the first National Youth Member of Parliament from her district. In her parliamentary role, she sits on the Committee on Education and Sports, where she continues to advocate for the issues she holds dear.

Phiona Nyamutoro’s background is a testament to her commitment to her community and country. Her father, Patrick Apecu, and mother, Caroline Apecu, have supported her throughout her journey. Nyamutoro’s passion for amplifying a Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) to development, focusing on girl child initiatives, youth development, good governance, and community social transformation, has been a cornerstone of her political ethos.

During her campaign for the National Female Youth MP position, Nyamutoro secured a decisive victory with 296 votes, far outpacing her closest competitor, Prima Tukamushabe, who received 66 votes. The race included several other candidates, but none could match Nyamutoro’s overwhelming support.

She succeeded Anna Ebaju Adeke of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), who moved on to represent Soroti District as a Woman MP, a seat previously held by Angelline Asio Osegge.

Phiona Nyamutoro continues to be a powerful voice for the youth in Uganda, balancing her ministerial duties with her responsibilities as a lawmaker, all while maintaining a strong connection to her roots in Nebbi District. Her future in Ugandan politics looks promising, with many expecting her to continue rising through the ranks.

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