JUST IN: Mastermind of Ndiga Clan Leader’s Assassination, Engineer Bbosa Smoked Out

Lluja Bbosa e1724147682873

By Our Reporter




Mastermind of Ndiga Clan Leader’s Assassination, Lujja Bbosa Tabula has finally been arrested by the Uganda Police Force six months after the murder that left shockwaves in the Buganda Kingdom.


Lujja Bbosa Tabula has been on the police wanted list for the murder of former Ndiga clan leader Engineer Daniel Bbosa on Sunday, 25th February 2024, in Lungujja, Lubaga Division.


According to the Police Spokesperson, ACP Rusoke Kituuma said the fugitive Tabula was apprehended on 19 August 2024, in Kimelika-Namulonge, Busikuma, by police crime intelligence squad.


He is also under investigation in connection with the discovery of human skulls at his residence in Mpigi.


“We confirm the arrest of Lujja Bbosa Tabula, the main suspect in the murder of former Ndiga clan leader Engineer Daniel Bbosa. He was apprehended on 19 August 2024, in Kimelika-Namulonge, Busikuma, by our crime intelligence squad. Tabula is also wanted in connection with the discovery of human skulls at his residence in Mpigi,” says Rusoke in a brief statement dated 19th August 2024.


The police had earlier identified Lujja as the mastermind of the gruesome murder of Eng. Daniel Bbosa Lwomwa, because of leadership wrangles over the headship of Endiga Clan.


Tabula Luggya Bbosa mysteriously went missing immediately after the assassination of Lwomwa after one of the killers who survived mob justice revealed details of the plot.




In 2023, Tabula was installed as the clan head of Endiga after Buganda Kingdom cultural court (Kkooti ya Kisekwa) declared that omutaka Bbosa illegally occupied the office of the head of Endiga clan.


Former Buganda Kingdom culture minister Owekitiibwa David Kiwalabye Male cleared the air explaining that even though Kkooti ya kisekwa declared omutaka Bbosa as illegally occupying Endiga clan head office, he is still the clan head because he appealed to King Ronald Muwenda Mutebi who acts as the Supreme Court over the matter and by the time of his death, the King had not yet delivered his judgment on the matter.


Even though Endiga clan leaders are asking their clan mates to stay calm as security organs continue with the investigations over the murder of their clan leader, there are voices that are asking for Tabula’s arrest.


“It is clear the assassins are both from Endiga clan and the only beneficiary in this murder is Tabula who has been threatening the deceased and petitioned Kkooti ya Kisekwa,” One Endiga clan member said during the vigil at Omutaka Bbosa’s home in Lungujja Lubaga Division, Kampala city.


Police spokesperson Commissioner of police Fred Enanga named the assassins as Enock Serunkuuma who was killed by the mob after committing the murder and Derrick Noah Luggya who was saved from the angry mob and is currently receiving medication from Mulago hospital as another one is still at large.


All the suspects are Baganda from the Endiga clan and Enanga confirmed that detectives who were assigned to investigate the murder will reach the logical conclusion and expose the beneficiaries of the murder.


Tabula’s people have always been storming the clan ancestral home in Mpigi district and fighting with Omutaka Bbosa’s people who were protecting their ancestral land from land grabbers.


Tabula’s people have been accusing Omutaka Bbosa (the late) of enjoying the clan estate including the huge chunks of land yet he is not the rightful clan head.

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