FDC Najjanakumbi Speaks out on Dr. Besigye’s Delegates Conference Meeting

Ibrahim Semujju sharing ideas with Erias Lukwago at the Katonga FDC Delegates Conference e1724149684

By Our Reporter




The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) headquartered at the Party’s home, Najjanakumbi has laughed off the ongoing Delegates Conference at Katonga, home to Dr. Kizza Besigye’s political office.


In a circular dated 19th August, 2024, Hon. Nathan Nandala Mafabi, the FDC Secretary General says Katonga delegates conference ‘Nothing but a meeting of attention seeking, like minded, disgruntled rouble-rousers who should be ignored.’

Nandalas hard hitting circular e1724149790575
Nandala’s hard hitting circular

Nandala argues that there is only one FDC Party with its headquarters at Najjanakumbi that is officially registered with the Electoral Commission as required by law and that returns of office bearers are duly filed with the Electoral Commission.


He says that Waswa Birigwa is not the Party’s National Chairman and as such cannot call meetings on behalf of FDC


“The meetings of the Party can only be called by office bearers of which Waswa Birigwa and Erias Lukwago who have been posturing and/or masquerading as Party Chairman and Party President respectively are not,” says Nandala.


Nandala who calls the duo political jokers announces that FDC is continuing with its national digital registration of new members and will be in Jinja on 24th August, 2024.


The Katonga group called for a delegates conference that started on 18th August to form a new political dispensation.


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