Moment Samira Bawumia rushed to hug husband after his NPP Manifesto speech


After delivering the manifesto, which was met with applause and cheers from supporters, Samira Bawumia ran to her husband and embraced him warmly. This display of affection, caught on camera, quickly became a highlight of the event, sparking various reactions from the public.

Some Ghanaians, particularly those critical of the NPP’s performance, have suggested that the couple should continue to show their love for each other—even if it means doing so in opposition, as it appears to suit them well.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) officially unveiled its manifesto for this year’s general elections in a vibrant event held on Sunday at the Ghana Secondary and Technical School (GSTS) in Takoradi, Western Region.

The event was designed to energise the party’s base as they gear up for the December 7, 2024, polls.

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