Former Attorney General Kiddu Makubuya dead – The Kampala Report



Professor Kiddu Makubuya the Former Attorney General is dead .

Rebecca Nabaggala a  daughter, said that Professor Makubuya died on  Sunday night from Nakasero Hospital where he has been battling illness for a long period.

Nabbagala said that the bereaved family will converge at their home located in Ntinda ,Kampala to discuss the burial programme.

In June, local media widely reported Prof Makubuya dead before the family clarified that he was battling ill-health but still alive.

Dr. Makubuya aged 75, served as Uganda’s Attorney General from 2005 to 2011.

He was elected as Member of Parliament for Katikamu South in Luwero from 1996 to 2016.

He served also Minister Education of Education and Sports ,Justice and Constitutional Affairs, General Duties,Luwero Triangle and Foreign Affairs .

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