Three critically injured in nasty collision on Pallisa-Tirinyi road


Pallisa, (UG):- A serious traffic accident on the Pallisa-Tirinyi road, near Mivule Mukaga village, resulted in multiple injuries after two vehicles collided in the wee hours of Monday morning. 

The crash which occurred at around 5:12 AM involved two vehicles: a white Fuso Fighter (registration number UBH 641D) and a white Subaru Forester (registration number UBK 863U).

The driver of the Fuso Fighter fled the scene after the collision, while the Subaru was driven by 27-year-old Jaza Sam, a businessman from Pallisa town.

Preliminary reports from authorities indicate that both vehicles were travelling in opposite directions when the Subaru, allegedly speeding, lost control as it approached the Pallisa roundabout. The Subaru swerved into oncoming traffic, leading to a head-on collision.

According to Bukedi North Police Spokesperson, SP Semewo Samuel, three occupants of the Subaru vehicle; Jaza Sam (27), the driver, Nafamba Hussein (23), a local car washer, and Dorman Livingstone (23) were injured in the incident and rushed to Pallisa General Hospital for medical treatment.

Their current conditions are yet to be disclosed while an investigation into the incident is also underway by police authorities.

Mr Semewo explained that police have since impounded both vehicles to conduct an inspection as part of their investigation.

“A detailed sketch of the accident scene has been prepared, and witness statements are being gathered. The traffic report, recorded under TAR 32/2024, emphasizes the need for careful driving, particularly in high-traffic areas,” He said.

Police urged locals to remain vigilant on the roads and report any erratic driving behaviour to the authorities.

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