Bride and groom survive serious car crash on wedding day in Techiman


On what was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives, a bride and groom in Techiman experienced a dramatic twist of fate. As they were on their way to their wedding, their car was involved in a serious accident.

The couple, dressed in their wedding attire, were traveling with their bridal party when their vehicle collided with truck. The impact was severe, causing significant damage to the vehicle of the bridal party.

Witnesses indicate that a motor tricycle crossed the vehicle causing it to collide with the truck. However, amidst the chaos, there was a sense of relief as it became clear that both had survived the crash.

The incident has garnered reaction from social media with people expressing surprise.

@rache16348 tweeted, “Esian asem b3n koraa ni 😩😩”.

@passion_nova replied, “Asem ooo we thank God for their life”.

@kazmas42 also commented, “Did you hear what the woman said at the ending of the video, the aboboyaa rider!!!”

He disclosed this in an address read on his behalf at the launch of this year’s Driver’s Challenge in Accra on Friday, August 16, 2024.

Out of the number death recorded, 75 percent are males and 25 percent are females and on average, eight persons die daily in the country through road accidents.

He stated that despite the efforts of the NRSA and its collaborators, road safety statistics remained alarming and called on road users to prioritise safety.

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