TB Joshua’s death hurts more than losing my parents – Ayittey Powers


Ghanaian boxer Ayittey Powers has expressed profound sorrow over the unexpected death of Prophet TB Joshua, the head pastor of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in Nigeria.

He also mentioned that TB Joshua had invited him to visit his church, but he delayed his visit only to learn of the prophet’s passing through the media.

In an interview with Giovani Caleb on TV3, he revealed that the death of the Nigerian pastor affected him more deeply than the death of his own parents.

“Sometimes when I reflect on his death, I realise that God works in mysterious ways. How could Prophet TB Joshua die at that age? He called me to visit his church, and I planned to go in two weeks, but he passed away before then. He mentioned he wouldn’t celebrate his birthday, and we didn’t know he was going to die. We discussed many things together. So, TB Joshua’s death pains me more than the death of my mother and father,” he said.

Prophet TB Joshua passed away on June 5, 2021, one week before his 58th birthday, leaving many around the world in shock due to his significant influence and the lives he touched as one of Africa’s most powerful Christian ministers.

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