Tycoon Sudhir, businessmen grace Speaker Among Bukedea sports facility launch

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Kampala tycoon Sudhir Ruparelia and a host of other city businessmen have attend the launch of Bukedea Sports Complex owned by Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among.

The facility is to be opened by President Yoweri Museveni this afternoon.

“Tomorrow (today)we will welcome our great leader and father Yoweri Museveni to Bukedea. He will officially open the Bukedea Sports Park, which includes a football stadium, an indoor sports arena, and an Olympic size swimming pool hosting the FEASA games. This new facility will greatly promote sports in our community” Speaker Among wrote on her X space yesterday.

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As she launched the facility, she also hosted top Kampala businessmen led by chairman of Ruparelia Group and Chairman Kwagalana group, Godfrey Kirumira, Hamis Kiggundu among others to witness the launch.

At least 1,775 school teams from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Rwanda have arrived and registered to compete in this year’s East Africa Secondary School Games, which will officially begin in Bukedea District on Sunday.

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Bukedea Comprehensive School and Amus College are hosting this year’s games, which will feature sixteen sports disciplines. Host director and Speaker of Parliament Annet Anita Among has challenged the government to build modern sports facilities in each district of Uganda to support the development of sports.

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