NPP won’t surrender power simply for the sake of peace – Youth Organiser

Salam Mustapha confidently declared that the NPP has strong members who can effectively counter the NDC, boldly challenging the opposition to take any measures they see fit in the lead-up to, during, or following the December elections.

I’m also telling them that the NPP will not sacrifice power on the altar of peace, we will not do it. We will not submit, we will not be cowed, prevented, or pushed.”

“Look at my muscles, these muscles are natural, my muscles are full of bones. If the NDC believe they are stronger than us, they should dare in this election and they will see that we have the men.”

“We’re for peace, we like peace, we’re for the progress of the country. But we will not be pushed out by any form of tactics. Ghanaians will make their choice and vote for the NPP,” he stated.

According to him, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), will use every possible means to win the December 2024 elections by engaging all avenues available to the party.

Basintale, speaking at the NDC’s Upper West Regional campaign launch, cautioned the minister of agriculture and his party not to attempt to hold onto power if former President John Mahama wins the December 2024 polls

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