Did God fold arms during the Kiteezi garbage slides?

Ben Ssebuguzi

By Ben Ssebuguzi

God is the sovereign and can do all things. He has promised to save all who trust in Him and call on him to save them. Psalms 121:5-8 The Lord watches over you, The Lord is your shade at your right hand, The sun will not harm you. He sent His son Jesus Christ to save mankind from the consequences of man’s disobedience 

It is written that we should not put God to test, i.e. to do evil deliberately in order to get Him to prove Himself. If KCCA was negligent on duty, we can’t blame God but thank him for fighting the nature of gravity and it happened during the day when many people had gone to work and not at night!

God heard the prayers of interceders and was able to hold the garbage for many hours at night until during the day to minimise casualties, but also wake those on duty to wake up and plug loopholes in service delivery and work for people. 

At ONC under the able leadership of Hajjat Uzeiye Namyalo SPA/PA, We seldom hold prayers to intercede for our country but also thank him for protecting our Fountain of Honour General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is our breadwinner and Mama Janet Museveni, our First lady. If I’m not mistaken, ONC will organise another one for Kiteezi and pray to God to give hope to the victims.  

God is merciful, he will always deliver those who truly repent of their evil actions and sincerely call on him for help, although he might not always save you from natural consequences.

In a nutshell, we should uphold National prayers every year because he has always been on our side. He has been with us on Covid 19 and now he has been with us on Kiteezi garbage slides.

In conclusion, God’s help would have been easier if KCCA had been more vigilant but also taken extra steps to buy public insurance cover to compensate victims who are suffering from uncertainty rather than spending a lot of government money which would have been waived by insurance companies. Our public officials are still stuck in analogue and therefore need a paradigm shift!

Long live General Yoweri Kaguta Museven, Long live Hajjat Uzeiye Namyalo Manager ONC. 

Ben Ssebuguzi is the Head of Research at ONC Kyambogo.

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