What next after Govt extends validity of expired National IDs for another year

NIRA National IDs

The government of Uganda Thursday announced an extension of the National IDs for another year even when the current ones are set to expire by 2025.

The Minister of State for Internal Affairs, Gen. David Muhoozi, Friday told journalists that the move to extend the IDs validity is to ensure the continuity of business within Uganda.

“Our idea of extending [the validity of expired national IDs] was to allow people to transact business as usual as we wait for the issuance of the new cards. People were getting anxious; what happens now and at that time when my card expires? Life must continue,” Gen Muhoozi said.

Most of the national IDs, approximately 15.8 million, were issued between 2014 and 2015 with a 10-year validity. Their validity is set to run out between August 2024 and December 2025.

Gen. Muhoozi reiterated that the extension aims to prevent disruptions as the country prepares for the upcoming mass enrollment and renewal of new national IDs by the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA).

“This is meant to ensure no disruption to service delivery for those card bearers whose cards may expire within this period,” he said.

Asked about the legal implications of this extension, Gen. Muhoozi said that the necessary legal framework was put in place through the publication of Statutory Instrument Amendment No. 2, Regulations 2024, in the Uganda Gazette on August 12, 2024.

NIRA is tasked with providing the Electoral Commission with updated data on registered citizens by November 30, 2024, which the Commission will use to update the national voters’ register ahead of the 2026 general elections.

The ministry spokesperson, Mr Simon Mundeyi says the national identification number (NIN) on the cards do not expire and that they are the most important features of the IDs. The new documents will have upgraded features including the iris among others.

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