Masaka school director arrested over misuse of candidates’ UNEB registration fees

Equator high School Nyendo Masaka

Masaka, (UG):– Authorities in Masaka City have arrested and detained in custody Mr Leonard Ahimbisibwe, the director of Equator High School in Nyendo-Mukungwe Municipality for allegedly misusing students’ registration fees for national examinations.

Ahimbisibwe’s arrest followed complaints by parents that their children who sat Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) in 2023, have not yet received their results.

The Uganda National Examinations Board (Uneb) released UCE and UACE results in February and March this year respectively and a total of 14 students sat for their UCE exams at the Nyendo-based school whereas 11 sat for UACE.

According to Masaka City RCC, Mr Hudu Hussein, it is alleged that Mr Ahimbisibwe used the money of 2023 candidates to pay outstanding debts he had with Uneb in 2022.

RCC Hudu says they also discovered that the school’s operational license had also expired, thus its indefinite closure as authorities investigate the circumstances of its operation.

“I am going to ask the city clerk to take over Masaka City Education Officer, Mr Steven Kakeeto’s role because the manner in which he runs his office is questionable. How can he say the school does not have a license yet it is operating and parents pay fees,” he said.

The RCC added that even the dormitories are very filthy and the school environment is not conducive to learning. “The school does not meet the basic requirements. We have guidelines that were issued by the Ministry of Education and Sports in respect of what the basics required of any school to operate,” Mr Hudu said.

“I advise parents to find other schools where their children can sit the exams from, they should not fall victims because that school was operating illegally,” he added.

Defending his decision to close the school, Mr Hudu said this is intended to save 2024 candidates who may also face a similar fate.

The School Director who is currently in custody at Nyendo Police Station declined to talk to this report and insisted that he would share with the detectives during interrogation what went wrong.

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