Youth urged to embrace education and patriotism for Uganda’s development

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The Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni, has emphasised the importance of education in shaping the vision of Uganda’s youth.

In a speech read by Hajji Ismail Mulindwa, Director of Basic and Secondary Education, at the NTV Youth Skills Development and Exhibition Fest on Friday, she said, “Education is key to the development of our country. Through education, we acquire the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate and thrive in an ever-changing world.”

The First Lady noted that her ministry’s vision is to provide quality education that prepares individuals to engage with and contribute to society in meaningful ways.

“Education must equip youths with the tools they need to question, to innovate, and to solve problems. It should foster a sense of curiosity and a passion for learning that extends far beyond the classroom,” she said

At the same event, Ms Suzan Nsibirwa, Managing Director of Nation Media Group (NMG-U), emphasised the importance of patriotism among Ugandan youth.

“You may have your passport, get a visa, and go work in another country, but never forget about home, never give up, and always keep believing in home Uganda,” she said.

She encouraged youth to have a sense of belonging and identity, and to work together to build Uganda, just as citizens of other developed countries have done.

The event aimed to promote skills development and exhibition among Ugandan youth, highlighting the need for education and patriotism to drive the country’s development.

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