Rugiirwa Katatumba on spot for telling lies about his criminal prosecution

Rugiirwa at Buganda road court

Businessman Rugiirwa Katatumba has come under spotlight for falsifying that his criminal prosecution was between himself and City tycoon Sudhir Ruparelia.

Prosecution avers that between September, October and November 2019 Rugiirwa obtained Sh120 million from Prime Finance Company Limited located at Crane Chambers in Kampala and promised with an interest.

He however, failed to service the loan after issuing several bouncing cheques which resulted into criminal offense. A case between him and Uganda government was brought against him in courts of law.

after the July court ruling Rugiirwa has gone of the offensive about his criminal case dragging in the name of city tycoon Sudhir.

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It is misleading information that Rugiirwa Katatumba defeats Sudhir Ruparelia in court yet it is public knowledge that government sued Rugiirwa in court. The Magistrate errored, she was totally out of order as she decided to give back the car given as security when the creditor was not party. Criminal cases are about arrests and fines are not release of security”.

Appearing before the Buganda Road Court Magistrate, Fidelis Otwawo, Rugiirwa was charged with obtaining money by false pretense.

Rugiirwa was subsequently remanded to Kitalya prison after he failed to clear Shs120 million. Katatumba is a son to the deceased businessman and former Consular of the Pakistan Islamic Republic in Uganda Boney Katatumba.

A recent a Magistrate ordered that the criminal case had been dismissed and the accused acquitted of the offences of obtaining money by false pretense. This ruling is what is making Rugiirwa drag in the name of Sudhir Ruparelia and yet his was criminal case involving government.

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