
15 Weird Things Women Do In The Bathroom Alone

woman using phone while on the toilet

If you’re anything like me, then you probably have a whole list of weird things you only do when you’re alone, and then another list of even weirder things you only do when you’re alone in the bathroom. Personally, when I think about how little alone time most women get to enjoy on a daily basis, between working, socializing, commuting, and running errands, it makes me feel like the weird stuff women do when they’re in the bathroom alone isn’t really that weird at all. Because unless you live alone, work exclusively from home, and rarely leave your house, there are probably some days when the time you spend alone in the bathroom is the only alone time you get all day.

If you’ve ever taken a bathroom break at work just so you could have five minutes to sit alone somewhere quiet, or you make a habit of checking out your own ass every time you find yourself alone in front of a bathroom mirror, or you’ve been known to give yourself the occasional pre-sex, bathroom mirror pep-talk, then you already know about the weird stuff women do in the bathroom.

Here are 15 weird things women do in the bathroom when no one’s watching.

1. Check Out Our Own Butts

I think it’s pretty ridiculous how much I look at my own ass in bathroom mirrors, but I’m pretty sure this is something most women do. Women are so conditioned to obsess over their appearance that it’s really not surprising how much we check out our own butts when no one’s watching. That said, it can be a very body positive action to check yourself out if you make sure to appreciate what you see.

2. Respond To Online Dating Messages While We’re On The Toilet

Hell, I even downloaded (and then almost immediately deleted) the Tinder app while I was in the bathroom once. I realize this is pretty weird, and maybe a little funny, but I also know that I’m not the only person who takes their phone into the bathroom to catch up on her dating apps. In fact, I don’t know anyone (male or female) who doesn’t scroll their smartphone while they’re on the toilet these days.

3. Make Crazy Faces In The Bathroom Mirror

I always check out my face before I leave the bathroom, and I think that’s perfectly normal. In fact, I feel like periodically making sure I don’t have any boogers in my nose or mascara goop collecting in the corners of my eyes is basically a public service.

Sometimes, though, I can’t help but feel seriously annoyed by how much time I spend making sure I look presentable for other people. Especially since they probably don’t care all that much about how I look to begin with. If I’m alone in the bathroom when these thoughts hit me, I feel required to make some ugly faces at myself, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.

4. Give Ourselves A Pre-Sex Pep Talk

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably given yourself more pre-sex, pre-job interview, or mid-high bathroom-mirror-pep-talks than you can remember. And if by some chance you haven’t done this, you should give it a try. Yes, it looks and feels a little weird to talk to your reflection, but there’s really nothing abnormal about thinking out loud and taking a minute to center yourself. Especially when no one’s watching.

5. Drink On The Toilet

Sometimes you just want to use the bathroom and finish your beer at the same time, and I totally get that. I can’t tell you how many beers I’ve finished while on the toilet. Is that weird? I’m sure of it. Is it fun as hell when no one’s watching, though? Absolutely.

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