90,000 apply to join security services but 12,000 slots available — Henry Quartey


The overwhelming number of applicants underscores the popularity and perceived stability of careers within the security services.

These positions are seen as attractive due to the job security, benefits, and opportunities for career advancement they offer.

The security services in question include the Ghana Police Service, the Ghana Immigration Service, the Ghana National Fire Service, and the Ghana Prisons Service.

Henry Quartey acknowledged the need for transparent and fair recruitment processes to maintain public trust and confidence in the system.

Speaking on JoyNews, he said “As of two days ago, there were close to 90,000 applications. That is the report I received from the security agencies handling the recruitment.

However, Quartey noted that the number of available positions is limited. Parliament has approved a budget that allows for the recruitment of approximately 12,000 new personnel across the security services.

He added that the agencies will need to apply their eligibility criteria rigorously to select qualified candidates from the large pool of applicants.

All these 80,000 will be subject to the security agencies’ criteria to determine who qualifies for admission,” the Minister added, underscoring the competitive nature of the recruitment process.

In fact, as of the last two days, there were close to 90,000. That is the report that I had from the security agencies that were doing the recruitment,” he stated.

The high interest in security service jobs also reflects the importance of these roles in maintaining national security and public safety.

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