Nana Addo has turned Ghana into construction site — Joseph Cudjoe

Under President Akufo-Addo’s administration, he said Ghana has seen significant investment in infrastructure projects, spanning roads, hospitals, schools, and housing.

These projects aim to address the long-standing infrastructural deficits that have hindered economic growth and development in the country.

The government’s focus on infrastructure, Cudjoe added, is part of its broader agenda to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and improve access to essential services.

Speaking during the Minister’s Press Briefing in Accra on Thursday, August 15, 20-24, Joseph Cudjoe remarked that the country has essentially become a vast construction site under the NPP-led administration.

When you look around today, you can see the tangible results of President Akufo-Addo’s vision for Ghana. The country has indeed turned into a construction site,” Cudjoe noted.

He further explained that the scale and pace of these projects signify a massive leap in the country’s infrastructure development.

Under Akufo-Addo’s government, we are witnessing an unprecedented level of construction activity. From roads to bridges and other essential infrastructure, the development is ongoing and will positively impact the lives of all citizens,” he added.

Cudjoe’s remarks highlight the transformative impact of Nana Addo’s infrastructure agenda on Ghana.

However, continuous efforts are needed to address challenges and ensure the sustainable development of these projects.

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